- Hasegawa T, Nakai S, Masakane I, Watanabe Y, Iseki K, Tsubakihara Y, Akizawa T.
Dialysis Fluid Endotoxin Level and Mortality in Maintenance Hemodialysis: A Nationwide Cohort Study.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2015; 65: 899-904.
- Doi T*, Yamamoto S*, Morinaga T*, Sada K*, Kurita N*, Onishi Y. (*Equally contributed)
Risk Score to Predict 1-year Mortality after Haemodialysis Initiation in Patients with Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease under Predialysis Nephrology Care.
PLoS One 2015; 10: e0129180.
[abstract] [紹介記事]
- Kurita N, Akizawa T, Fukagawa M, Onishi Y, Kurokawa K, Fukuhara S.
Contribution of dysregulated serum magnesium to mortality in hemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism: three-year cohort study.
Clinical Kidney Journal 2015; 8: 744-752.
[abstract] [紹介記事] [海外学会紹介記事]
- Nishiwaki H, Hasegawa T, Nagayama Y, Kaneshima N, Takayasu M, Hirose M, Komukai D, Inoue Y, Koiwa F, Yoshimura A.
Absence of Mesangial C1q Deposition Is Associated with Resolution of Proteinuria and Hematuria after Tonsillectomy Plus Steroid Pulse Therapy for Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy.
Nephron 2015; 130: 1-7.
- Kurita N, Fujii A, Kotera N, Tanaka M, Tanaka S, Miyairi T, Sugimoto T, Mori M, Fukuhara S, Mise N.
Dialysis amyloid deposition in the aortic valve and its association with aortic stenosis.
Blood Purification 2015; 40: 146-154.
- Hasegawa T, Nakai S, Moriishi M, Ito Y, Itami N, Masakane I, Hanafusa N, Taniguchi M, Hamano T, Shoji T, Yamagata K, Shinoda T, Kazama J, Watanabe Y, Shigematsu T, Marubayashi S, Morita O, Wada A, Hashimoto S, Suzuki K, Kimata N, Wakai K, Fujii N, Ogata S, Tsuchida K, Nishi H, Iseki K, Tsubakihara Y, Nakamoto H.
Peritoneal Dialysis Registry With 2012 Survey Report.
Ther Apher Dial 2015; 19: 529-539.
- Nagayama Y, Nishiwaki H, Hasegawa T, Komukai D, Kawashima E, Takayasu M, Tayama H, Inoue Y, Inui K, Yoshimura A.
Impact of the new risk stratification in the 2011 Japanese Society of Nephrology clinical guidelines for IgA nephropathy on incidence of early clinical remission with tonsillectomy plus steroid pulse therapy.
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 2015; 19: 646-652.